Pocession on the campus, where Madame Canavilhas hopefully managed to understand slightly our conditions. Students and teachers welcomed her dearly
Now that the second semester is soon starting in ISAC, things are really coming to place. It is great to have a bunch of new teachers after only the four of us ran the running of last semester as a pilot for both studets and teachers. As I have reported, we have had days for professors, symposium to discuss philosophy and strategy. All very motivational while mails, papers and meetings go back and forth about the nitty gritty of rooms, credits, hours, workload, internet access, software etc. etc. Great stress and great optimism and lots of communication cross, direct and backfiring.
A plenum discussion about what happens now, after the school is properly in place.
The opening hour for the coming semester is the 10th of March at 10:00 and we pretend that everything will be properly ready. On the 4th of March ISAC received a formal visit from the Minister of Culture from Portugal. She was in town because of some big conference about Portugese culture etc. A very sympathetic lady (as usually is the case with ministers of culture). There was polite and very postitive conversation among teachers and leaders with her about the common heritage of Portugal and Mozambique, the Identidates Pan-Portugese speaking cultural network (see link) and many future collaborations that can take place within the field of culture. The director of ISAC, Filimone, spoke of how the small seeds of art, design and culture management education that we are starting now is just a beginning of a larger all-encompassing academy with dance, theater, music and many other possibilities.
Filimone and Madame Canavilhas. Images from the student activities last semester were posted on the wall for further information.
It is actually great to have such visits because it helps motivate us and open up eyes to further victories than just making sure the school runs properly, but we must admit that is really on everyones mind these days.
March 5, 2010
Tags: art, culture, DESIGN, maputo, mozambique, portugal Posted in: DESIGN
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