Meeting 16th Februar 2012.
The Cirrus Website has crashed so the images have to be replaced soon
Part of the crowd in the meeting
The 6th annual teacher meeting took place in Copenhagen in mid February. The last year has been a bit different dealing with cut funds from the Nordic Council of Ministers, probably because of global finance situation. But lots of activity has taken place in more limited form. It was stimulating to visit the new premises of the Copenhagen School and realize the potential of localizing all the institutes close for future common goals. The program was traditional like members have always stated is good.
Tine Kjølsen, rector KADK gave the velcome to the meeting and went through program oversight and plans. She gave reflections about the changes that are taking place in the Copenhagen school with the move and joining forces with other institutes.
After that Halldór Gíslason professor, Oslo National Academy and leader of Cirrus went through the formalities and agendas for the coming year, projects and ideas and promoted the next date for annual application March 1st.
Thomas Binder assistant professor presented co-design cluster work in Copenhagen and gave presentation as to content, researchers and integration in the school curricula.
Two students that just graduated from Master in Copenhagen presented a project done in Nuuk in Greenland, studying conditions and potentials for change and development. The assembly was lucky enough to be able to see the show of the project just before it was disassembled.
The Copenhagen school presented a project done in Marrocco in textiles involving empowerment of women and development of handicraft design.
Lunch dialogue in the Copenhagen School Canteen
Seminars that took place for open dialogue were two:
- Regional strengths. How do we support regionality and local strengths in relation to globally active business?
- Changes in Design Education – New Approaches and Challenges, Cross-disciplinary Study Programmes.
There was strong opinion that Cirrus could support mapping of the strengths and differences between member schools so that all can develop strengths and specialities. It was decided to try to gain funds for this mapping for next period.
Here is a photo album from the event.
From the exhibition of the work done in Nuuk, Greenland. Imagined Space, a project that was initiated by a Cirrus workshop in Nuuk two years ago.
November 22, 2012 Posted in: DESIGN