The campus has very nice areas, here the teachers are walking between buildings
The design teachers in ISAC are a small hardcore group with very good working spirit. Helder, Gabriel and Karina met in my house today to go through the program named: INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN. It is good to have run the first semester last year, before Christmas and summer holiday (named: Semester Zero), beacause we managed to get lots of experience about the procedure of the teaching. It is good to be able to evaluate the response of the students to the various projects and the landscape that the new school shall thrive in. There will be run some basic courses that will be common, like History of Art, Methodologies etc, like in all art and design schools. But the hardcore design teachers have to concentrate on the fundamental issues about being a designer. We will have in ISAC a program for design supporting people to go in three directions basically: Product Design, Visual Communication and Fashion Design.
A walk on the main pedestrian spine on campus
Of course, like in all art academies, certain parts of the program will be done in cooperation with the other two specializations: Visual Arts and Culture Management. Since different designers have many common elements in their procedures (future scenarios, problem definitions etc) part of the design education program is also going to be run in common projects where the different specializations can address the projects in their own manner.
After the meeting we have a structure of the chronological progression of a design student from beginning until the end of 3rd year (not all projects though written) with the timeline dispersed with realiztic project and theoretical input with occasional intensive periods, like when guest teachers and fellow students from the Norwegial school (and hopefully others) will come here to work on common projects together.
On Friday we went for a walkabout on the ISAC campus so that all the new teachers could see the facilities and think of how to utilize and what extra is needed at this early stage. The photos show this very nice event.
Looking over one of the classrooms. The government suppliers (I think) miscalculated the size of the students and the tables are for kindergarten. But we will manage, no problem.
February 28, 2010
Tags: academy, art, DESIGN, maputo, mozambique, teaching Posted in: DESIGN