Two class photos
This photo shows the complete class. It was decided that the teachers should be to the side (as we are on the right) but the academy rector is located in the center front row.
I had such a great time with the students and teachers in Iceland in January as reported on this site and more on the specific site for the course ICELANDDIALOGUE. One of the 10 groups decided to go through a dialogue between faculties and specializations. They visited all locations where the academy is and took guided tours etc. This group took the classical school class photo of us in the course. The were posted to me today and I want to publish them here. Really good vibes there.
This photo has the same people but is classed according to location. The red lines divide the student groups, with teachers furthest to the right. Group furthest to the left is Fine Art, centre is Design and right Performing Arts.
February 21, 2011 Posted in: DESIGN, ICELAND, PONDERINGS