Like all schools ISAC has its timetable. It is the first proper one since this is the first year and the last semester we ran on a simpler basis. I like to post the timetable here for the record of how the first semester is run.
The timetable in the latin countries (and ISAC adheres to the Portugese system) is more like in grammar schools, where there are classes and the classes have hours to attend to. This is different in many of the Northern and US design schools where there are studio periods with lectures planned at specific times. Then the students can work in the studios and workshops all hours when they are not in classes. It is interesting to follow the development of the students and the very positive teachers.
The table shows the days of the week (including Saturday) and the three classes that are being run in the faculty. Two of the classes are in design and one in visual arts. I know the timetable is rather unclear in this format here but at least it should show the general plan.
April 22, 2010
Tags: academy, art, DESIGN, maputo, mozambique, timetable Posted in: ISAC - KHiO