A captive audience ready to try and have a go themselves!

My friend here in Maputo, Mandira Paul came to Mozambique as part of an EU support program. It was initially rather confusing what she and others were supposed to do but Mandira preserved and really has participated in various projects. Interestingly although Mandira is actually a doctor she is also a hardcore Hip-Hop dancer with experience from California and Sweden and even from one of my home towns Oslo. So when Mandira had settled in and got to know the dance gang here in Maputo she has managed to get a project going with a group of locals. Yesterday there was a presentation of various dance projects and the Hip-Hop came in very strongly. The local kids taking to it very well. It actually is not surprising since the people here (and especially the young) adapt very easily to new tech methods, and styles. Maputo is one of the coolest places in Africa I have read (not having the experience widely) and I must admit that this lovely city reminds me more of my home town Reykjavik than any other place I have lived.

Here are some photos from the Hip-Hop.

Here are photos from the event itself, the audience and fashionistas.

Hopping Moz Guys!

The dance presentation took place in one of the outskirts of town, the 39th Quarter named Polana Caniço “B.

The event is part of a promotion project for promoting better sexual health. Named Platform of Health, Creativity and Cultural Exchange. Here is some of the promotion text:

JAM SESSION!! - Plataforma de saude, criatividade e intercambio cultural

Vamos introduzir Hiphop na rua dos bairros do Maputo!

Vamos realizar o primeiro jam session, que vai comecar com um aspectaculo com varios artistas que vao fazer danca tradicional mas tambem hiphop e capoeira. No fim do aspectaculo vamos convidar todos que estiverem a assistir para participar na danca, improvisar e criar.

No sitio tambem vao estar activistas da Coalizao que vao falar acerca da saude sexual e reprodutiva e em simultaneo vao distribuir preservativos e tudo que irao precisar para ficar com prazer e seguranca.


May 8, 2011   Posted in: AFRICA, MOZAMBIQUE, MUSIC