The article in the Times in Cape Town. You can print out a good copy of it here.
Craft producers from throughout the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have been participating in a workshop in Cape Town. This has been funded by the Kellogg Foundation and facilitated by the Cape Craft and Design Institute (CCDI).
The participants in the workshops are given time in the facilities and gain opportunity to meet active designers and crafts people from Cape Town. One of our ISArC design students Walter Zandamela had the opportunity to participate in the workshop and actually came back here to ISArC full of further enthusiasm that showed itself when he was working in the workshop that I organized with the KHiO gang. Walter explored new materials and made a range of objects in product design that we did explore when he came back to Maputo. Here is an article about the workshop form the Cape Town Career Times from Monday 18th of April. It is great that the efforts are communicated out to other potential participants and institutions that might organize similar activity. I am always more and more believing in small intensive activities for skill development rather than grand schemes that fall flat and are milked by strange operators that are actually more interested in themselves rather than the results.
Walter and Henrik from Oslo developed this product from discarded wheels for urban agriculture.
April 24, 2011
Tags: academy, cape town, DESIGN, mozambique, product design, workshop Posted in: AFRICA, DESIGN, MOZAMBIQUE, PONDERINGS