For a number of years we have been working on the DIG-Equality project, me and my partner Sóley Stefánsdóttir, a graphic designer with further education in gender studies. She has been instrumental in collecting material and reaching to activists, both in Iceland and globally. We wrote the project description DESIGN INNOVATION FOR GENDER EQUALITY after study and collection of methods and examples. Sóley has given introductions to the projects and now we have quite a bit of material and methods defined although we still feel we have lots to study further. This is a very important project for design development and innovation for a more equal world. Part of our starting text says:
“In recent years, designers have been moving into activities that are understood to be outside the typical commercial and artistic realms of design. During research into design and innovation we have come to uncover many projects that manifest how design is fundamental in dealing with changes in everyday life and situations.
On reflection, we have discovered how designers and the creative industries can play an important role in influencing, tackling and improving social issues, and we have been inspired by design projects that are strategically tackling issues such as crime, sustainable everyday life, development aid and health.
Gender equality is a vast subject matter and a keystone in creating real prosperity within society. Our belief and vision is therefore that gender equality should be addressed on a strategic design level. We believe that both the fields of gender research and design make a combined force to influence positive results.”
Various projects have resulted and we have been involved in different activities in this direction and now finally the project is coming to a defined research platform and planned is an exhibition in Norsk Form in 2014 in Oslo. We hope this exhibition becomes mobile for further locations. But until then lots of work is needed and all support is very appreciated. All those that know projects and works that are working in this direction are asked to send us information and make contact. We are collecting samples and development stories.
May 14, 2012 Posted in: DESIGN, GENDER DESIGN, ICELAND