Design and Art Linking Mozambique and Afrique
One of the reasons we decided to go to Mozambique was that there is enough of designers in the Nordic Countries and theCirrus Network. Actually all Western countries. So we decided to try and do our bit where there is need for people with knowledge about design and maybe also some knowledge about how to teach design. We are now in Mozambique and this is happening now with the establishment of ISAC as is many blogged here. A side task has been to use our networks to assist with connecting friends here in Maputo to the outer world. I am now in contact with people in some of the other Southern Sahara design and art schools and I would love the new schools to link to the global network of schools and designers. Our friends in the Cumulusassociation have posted news of the establishment of ISAC and we hope that some of the member schools see opportunities to start some cooperation with us here in Africa. I will attend the Cumulus Conference in Melbournelater this year to inform and link. This is all great news and keeps us optimistic about the future of design, diversity of design and expansion of Cumulus to all corners of the globe. We fare better when we work together!
September 7, 2009
Posted in: DESIGN, ISAC - KHiO